Fruit Loops CapacityFruit Loops Capacity
Fruit Loops and Milk Fill the bath (bowl) with milk. Predict how many cups of fruit loops it will take{...}
Fruit Loops and Milk Fill the bath (bowl) with milk. Predict how many cups of fruit loops it will take{...}
Watch/Read Mr Archimedes Bath Stop throughout – Turn and talk: What do you think is happening with the water?{...}
Have a whole range of different containers. The children are to choose a container thinking which one they think holds{...}
Balls: golf ball table tennis ball tennis ball Predict and work out the lightest to heaviest ball. Prove it. If{...}
Watch a clip of Mrs Murray going into the supermarket weighing different objects. Mixed Groups Have a fruit shop setup{...} Seesaw- How can you make this seesaw balance. Is there only 1 way or can you find different{...}
Watch ‘Dragons scales’ Stop the movie and ask the kids if they think the dragon is correct and why?{...}
Watch ‘How big is a foot?’ Stop the video – why do you think the bed did not fit?{...}
May need assistance from Yr 5 buddies to assist. Watch the Flying Girl and her Cape (start at 10mins): {...}
Launch: Have children write their names of a piece of paper. Put the class names in order of shortest to{...}