Introduction to a ClockIntroduction to a Clock
Launch: What do we know about clocks-Pair share Look at a clock, what do you notice? What can you see{...}
Launch: What do we know about clocks-Pair share Look at a clock, what do you notice? What can you see{...}
Launch: Put timer up. Stand up when you think it is 1 minute. What is 1 minute? How many times{...}
Launch: What day is it today? Which card will we show? (eg Tuesday)’ ‘What day was yesterday? (Monday) Monday{...}
Two circles: On one circle favourite colour red the other circle favourite colour blue. If anyone like both it goes{...}
Make a prediction as to what you think is the hardest to roll on a 6 sided dice? Interview your{...}
Races: Have 4 pieces of paper set up in the room with different numbers on it. The kids pick{...}
Launch: Sponge and bucket of water activity. Get water from one bucket to another using only a sponge. Explore: Make{...}
Fruit Loops and Milk Fill the bath (bowl) with milk. Predict how many cups of fruit loops it will take{...}
Watch/Read Mr Archimedes Bath Stop throughout – Turn and talk: What do you think is happening with the water?{...}
Have a whole range of different containers. The children are to choose a container thinking which one they think holds{...}