
Chicken Rescue Time Sequencing



  • What day is it today? Which card will we show? (eg Tuesday)’

  • ‘What day was yesterday? (Monday) Monday is the day before Tuesday’

  • ‘Which of these cards is ‘Monday’?’

  • ‘What day will it be tomorrow? (Wednesday)’

  • ‘Wednesday is the day after Tuesday’

  • ‘Which of these cards is ‘Wednesday’?’

  • ‘Monday is the day before…

  • ‘Thursday is the day after …’


Chickens to the rescue:

What things don’t you want to do for each section of the day and need loose chickens to help you survive the day.

Problem Solving- How can you set this up so that you can see the sequence of events? Give the children 4 small pieces of paper for them to draw 4 different activities. Then have them sequence them in the correct order.

Extending- Add times e.g. o’clock times digital or analogue.

Enabling- Only three events.