Chicken Rescue Time Sequencing
What day is it today? Which card will we show? (eg Tuesday)’
‘What day was yesterday? (Monday) Monday is the day before Tuesday’
‘Which of these cards is ‘Monday’?’
‘What day will it be tomorrow? (Wednesday)’
‘Wednesday is the day after Tuesday’
‘Which of these cards is ‘Wednesday’?’
‘Monday is the day before…
‘Thursday is the day after …’
Chickens to the rescue:
What things don’t you want to do for each section of the day and need loose chickens to help you survive the day.
Problem Solving- How can you set this up so that you can see the sequence of events? Give the children 4 small pieces of paper for them to draw 4 different activities. Then have them sequence them in the correct order.
Extending- Add times e.g. o’clock times digital or analogue.
Enabling- Only three events.