
Four Suits Data & Stats Game



Have 4 pieces of paper set up in the room with different numbers on it. The kids pick which number they want to start at. Challenge counting backwards the first one to do ten in their team is the winner.


  • Set up signs in each corner of the room – the different suits

  • Draw the 4 suits and number cards as shown in the picture (include 4 of hearts)

  • Take out 2, 3, 4 of each suit from a deck of cards.

  • You will pick a card at random and record the data on the WB (see picture). Start by having all options written. 

  • Kids have 15 seconds to stand next to the suit they think will be chosen. 

  • Once a card is picked, erase that option from the WB (4 of hearts in picture)

  • Pick another card. 

  • Can play first to 3 points.


Have a deck of cards face down.

Predict which one you will pick up. 

Now pick a card up and record.

Present your information.


Enabling- Red and Black cards.

Enabling: Have pictures of spade, club, hearts and diamonds to create a picture graph cut up. These are on Rob’s powerpoint. (Statistics Powerpoint from Rob Vingerhoets)

Extending- Create a bar graph.

Will your results be the same if you did this again?