
Days of the Week Snap


Days of the week song (


Get kids into groups of 7. Give the kids cards with days of the week. Without talking they are to get into the correct order. Race against the other groups. If you talk you add 1 second to your time.


Share the cards out face down.

Take turns to turn over a card and add it to a pile in the middle.

Say ‘snap’ if the two cards are days which are next to each other in the week, like Saturday and Sunday.

Whoever says ‘snap’ first picks up the whole pile and puts them on the bottom of their own.

If you turn over a holiday card then you must both say ‘holiday’ instead. Whoever says it first picks up the pile.


Complete this working on days of the week yesterday and tomorrow.

You could change the rules so that there has to be one day in between the two cards for you to say ‘snap’.


Extending- Make up your own rules to this game.

Enabling- Days of the week chart.