Estimation 180Estimation 180
Estimation 180 Estimation tasks that make mathematical reasoning accessible to students and enjoyable.{...}
Estimation 180 Estimation tasks that make mathematical reasoning accessible to students and enjoyable.{...}
These lessons focus on estimation of number of objects and length etc and encouraging the use of mathematical vocab and{...}
These lessons focus on estimation of number of objects and length etc and encouraging the use of mathematical vocab and{...}
These lessons have students determine the number of cube units in structures. They learn to discuss cubes in new ways{...}
This lesson uses multiple splats. Splats of the same colour must cover the same number: This set includes{...}
These lessons use a single splat along with a mixture of unit fractions and whole numbers: These lessons{...}
Subitising Powerpoint- What numbers can you see?{...}
SPLAT- Subitising to 20{...}
Subitising Powerpoints. What number do you see?{...}
Going on a Picnic How do we make the picnic fair? Share the food between two people so that it{...}