Patterns in the real world!Patterns in the real world!
Look at the real world patterns and what patterns can you see around the school. Now go for a walk{...}
Look at the real world patterns and what patterns can you see around the school. Now go for a walk{...}
Launch Turn and talk what colour do you think the flower will be? How could you work this out?{...}
Give students shapes can you create a pattern with the shapes? Can a partner finish your pattern? Explore: Does{...}
Launch: Watch a penguin parade. Explore: There was one penguin in the first row, two penguins in the second{...}
Launch: The snails and ants are scattered in the garden. How could I show this data more clearly? Explore:{...}
What could this graph be about? Turn and talk?{...}
Who has the longest foot in the room? Who has the shortest? How can we work this out? Remember to{...}
What is the heaviest ball Turn and talk. Now prove it? How could we measure this? Toy Cars:{...}