
The Amazing Race- Time

Amazing Race:

You have been given an amazing opportunity – you will be given 2 days of fun and adventure with all expenses paid. You want to get the most out of the two days!


Your goal is to create an amazing race around a city in Australia. 


You have 48 hours to play with. 


You must fit in as many of the listed activities below as you can within 48 hours:

Note: Through your days you must stop for at least two  separate meals. Either Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner. Each meal will last for at least 45 minutes. Further, You must sleep- for at least 8 hours a day.

-Visit the zoo, 

-Sport game


-a camping evening somewhere 

-Visiting a natural attractions

-Visiting a Man made attraction


You will need to work out how far it is to travel to these places from your home and then from place to place. 


You will also need to identify the elapsed time passed between different activities completed during your days.