
Understanding elapsed time of local cinema sessions.

Hook students in by explaining that you were planning to go to the cinemas on the weekend, but need help understanding the time sessions and planning for a movie. 

Launch Hoyts website and start discussing appropriate movie sessions for you to take your child/niece/young cousin. Discuss what they need to do to understand the sessions, and ask the students to identify first movie session time, last one, how long the movie goes for etc. 

Then provide students with an example of a couple of movie session times, and pose questions similar to what you did on the class: 

  • What time does first movie start? 
  • What is the difference between the first and second session? 
  • Convert the movie running time to hours. 
  • What’s the elapsed time between first and last session? 

Extra challenge – find cost of you and one adult to attend, if the cinema charges 10% surcharge, total running time of all sessions and convert to minutes and hours etc.