Estimation 180Estimation 180
First make some estimations: How many would be too low? How many would be too high? What is your estimation?{...}
First make some estimations: How many would be too low? How many would be too high? What is your estimation?{...}
First make some estimations: How many would be too low? How many would be too high? What is your estimation?{...} Watch Zero the Hero Explore: Make a race track. Place speed signs using numbers 10-100 on to your race{...} If I had 3 beads what numbers could I make on an abacus? What if I had 6 beads?{...}
Activity: An interactive number line to help you with this activity. Can you land on the number 20 exactly?{...}
There are 8 passengers on two carriages. You make one stop and another 8 get on. At the end how{...}
If you have ten counters numbered 1 to 10, how many can you put into pairs that add to 10{...}
Launch: Inside these three boxes I have 8 counters. How many are in each box? What strategies can you use{...}
In a car park there were 20 wheels. If cars have 4 wheels, mini-vans have 6 and motor bikes have{...}
Launch Use the large tens frame. Place the dots two different colours. Kids look at it then on whiteboards create{...}