https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1c143Tq6UCj1EMAY4bKK6HMc0z42ozP3o2LnLcxErlOQ/edit#slide=id.g2ba5ba49248_0_7 Location Location Location Games!{...}
https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1c143Tq6UCj1EMAY4bKK6HMc0z42ozP3o2LnLcxErlOQ/edit#slide=id.g2ba5ba49248_0_7 Location Location Location Games!{...}
Revise yesterday’s understanding of left, right, forward and backwards. Introduce the game “Buzz – in infinity and beyond!”. Discuss that{...}
Battleships Introduce the game of Battleships. https://www.battleshiponline.org/ This is an online game that the students can play with you.{...}
A light plane has seats in rows of 2. How many rows are needed for 14 (26, 38) passengers to{...}
In the playground there are 8 students: How many heads? How many toes? How many legs How many arms? How{...}
How many birds are there altogether? What is the best way to count this? What is the fastest way{...}
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oFUBoZ0T-PM Have a 100 grid blank. In pairs take it in tuns of placing numbers into the 100 chart.{...}
Place Value Knockout https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vfUwi65WlEQ{...}
Long Jump-Focus understanding and reasoning. Have tape measures showing 0-100 and further. Kids throw a bean bag how far did{...}
Pick a number that suits you best: 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Using the numricon{...}