
Pocket Money Maths

LI: I can write algebraic equations to solve mathematics problems

Pocket Money Maths

Part 1:

Brooke has $64 of pocket money which she has been saving for some time. She wants to buy toy construction blocks. Each week she is given $4 pocket money and she has saved half and spent the other half.

How many weeks has Brooke been saving? Write an equation to show your working out.



Part 2:

Dakota wants to buy the same toy construction blocks. He has been saving half of his pocket money too. Each week he is given $20 and he has saved $60 so far.

How many weeks has Dakota been saving? Write an equation to show your working out.






Brooke and Dakota both need $100 to buy the toy construction blocks. How many more weeks do they need to save their pocket money if they save all of their money each week?

How many more weeks does Brooke need to save for? Write an equation to show your working out.



How many more weeks does Dakota need to save for? Write an equation to show your working out.