I have, who has? MultiplicationI have, who has? Multiplication
https://nrich.maths.org/5576 In the picture below, four whole numbers are being put into the box. Inside the box, a multiplication happens to each{...}
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Gc_r8_pCUuNpIElwi8AOe_JusWFutE67/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=116115409638179898405&rtpof=true&sd=true Self paced learning about Australia’s different time zones.{...}
LI: To explore time concepts and use appropriate strategies to solve interval time problems. What’s the time, Mr Jones?!{...}
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CwJ1cGXSQxQ Algebraic equations – warm up game{...}
LI: I can write algebraic equations to solve mathematics problems Pocket Money Maths Part 1: Brooke has $64 of pocket{...}
Watch the video to find out how to play this easy warm up game. https://youtu.be/G7baaNCYCpY{...}
CHIPS AHOY! If McCain cuts each standard sized potato into 14 french fries, and 4 potatoes make up a{...}
Place Value warm up game Mastermind Draw up a place value chart that is relevant to your year level. Teacher{...}
LI: I can solve division problems by using a variety of strategies nrich Chocolate task A fun opened ended tasks{...}