
Ninny Ninny Chance Game ( Chance/Probability)


Play Ninny Ninny Percentage-Chance-Ninny-Ninny-Explanation.pdf

Place 9 dice 3 of 3 different colours e.g. red, white, green in an opaque container. Ask the students to predict what colour is going to be pulled out first. Write their prediction (R, W or G), the probability (all have an equal chance 3/9, 1/3 or 33%) and then the actual colour that came out. Continue with the remaining 8 dice. How has the probability changed if the first die was white? (Red or green will be 3/8 = 3÷8 = 37.5% and white will be 2/8 = ¼ = 25%). Students write their prediction and continue playing until there are no dice left. Students then total their number of correct predictions. Play the game again and discuss what students have discovered. Did they do better the second time? Why/why not? 


Discuss dependent and independent variables as you play the game. What is happening to the ‘outcomes’ or probabilities as you remove a die from the container each time? This is what we call a dependent variable as the result of the next pull depends/has been affected by what you pulled out the time before. 


During or after paying, use a metre ruler to demonstrate where the percentages rely. Perhaps place the chance vocabulary alongside this and see how it all marries up. 

Variations: Begin to include the numbers in the game. Consider the probability of various combinations of colour and number, odds and evens.  Vary the colour combinations and number of dice. For example, start with 6 red, 3 white and 3 green.  Add one die of another colour another colour such as blue (1/10) and follow how its percentage changes as the game progresses.