
Snakes and Ladders Yippeee!!!( Chance and Probability)

What are the chances of someone winning the Snakes and Ladders game?

Show the students some examples of different Snakes and Ladders games ( See the games to review link below)

Discuss if /why, one game would be more difficult than others to win? Discuss the term variables and what variables would influence the chances of someone winning the game.

Then review some of the variables that are mentioned on the variables doc below.

Using the template- Students can then complete their own game of Snakes and Ladders including some of the variables that were discussed ( See template below).

Please note: Students who need support can create a game only up to 50, minimal Snakes and Ladders and other instuction tiles. Students who are more advanced can use whole numbers, decimals, fractions, mixed numbers or a blend of all, as their number references on the game instead of just whole numbers up to 100. They can also start the game at 10,000 and go up in thousands etc. They can also use a variety of instruction tiles and other ideas from the variable doc.

Students can then play each other when you have time.


Snakes and Ladders games to review:

Snakes and Ladder- Variations ( Enable or Extending points)

Snakes and Ladders Template: