
Place Value introduction activity


Warm Up:

How many ways can you rename 1265?

Two ways are:



To demonstrate understanding of place value, by using a number line to represent numbers in sequence. 

Provide all students with the mini whiteboards so that they can work through with you.

Present students with a blank number line and discuss what it is and what the purpose is. Record student thoughts on board.

e.g. Is it to do with measuring? Are they centimetres and millimetres? 

Extend a section of the number line as shown above, and then pose the same questions.


Reinforce / introduce the notion that the intervals on each line must be the same, but each interval on the blue line is a tenth of the interval on the black one. Pupils can decide to divide the blue line into more intervals.

Begin with easier prompt here and work through with the class, building to students working on their own multi-tiered number lines.

Link to source (interesting read)

Students can pick a random number or roll a random number as the starting point.

Students working with larger numbers will need to ensure their work is presented neatly and clearly. 

En: Tell students to work with hundreds, then complete tens and ones
Ext: Students expected to start in thousands, and work to thousandths