Year 1-2 Year 3-4Category October 14, 2024October 14, 2024 Andrew CouttsAndrew Coutts 0 Comments My dogs – how old are they?
Chocolate Designer- Thanks to Rob VingerhoetsChocolate Designer- Thanks to Rob Vingerhoets You are the designer of a chocolate company. Pick a number 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 36, 48, 56 How{...} READ MOREREAD MORE
Hit the TargetHit the Target Instructions 1. Player A enters a number in the calculator that is smaller than the target number. 2. Player B{...} READ MOREREAD MORE
Money – adding moneyMoney – adding money How could I spend exactly $20 at the supermarket? Use an online Coles catalogue or a hard copy catalogue to{...} READ MOREREAD MORE