
Volume Task- Mr Peter Sullivan

Open top Boxes Peter Sullivan – Challenging Mathematical Tasks-P114

Have a plain sheet of paper that is 30 cm x 40 cm 

-If I cut out squares with each side 3cm from the corners and then fold what’s left, what’s the volume of the open top box that’s created?

– if I cut out squares with each side 12cm  from the corners and then fold what’s left, what’s the volume of the open-top box that’s created?


En: Ask students to make an open top box from a sheet of paper but cutting squares out from each corner. They can measure the Volume using unifix blocks.

Ex: What’s the largest volume of a box that you can make? What’s a general way to describe how to find the largest box?

Go through these problem solvings tasks as a  group.


Discuss the language, what is the question asking, what equations to use and how to solve them.

Students solve these tasks with their own paper.