
Skip Counting

Get the children up on their feet. You are all going to march together. Swing your arms, and encourage them to get those knees up!

We are going to count at the same time as marching – 1, 2, 3 etc. However, when everyone’s right foot hits the floor we are going to say the number, and when their left foot hits the floor, we are going to be silent, and just say the number in our head.

So it will look at bit like – left foot: silently mouth ‘1’, right foot: say, ‘2’, left foot: silent ‘3’, right foot: ‘4’.

Keep going like this until the children can count no further.

Some good moves to try include:

Arms up then down




One arm out to one side, then opposite arm out on the other side

Pic of letterboxes


What do you notice about the numbers on these letter boxes? Does it matter what number i start with? What happens if i start on an odd number? What happens to the pattern?

If needed students can use 100 chart to  fill in the numbers on the street. The students then can create their own street starting at any house number. 

Support: What is my house number

Main: Where is my house.docx

Ext: Where is my house 3.docx