Aluminium Foil Floating BoatAluminium Foil Floating Boat
Launch: Explore: Make a boat out of foil. Your challenge is to hold the most amount of unifix. What{...}
Launch: Explore: Make a boat out of foil. Your challenge is to hold the most amount of unifix. What{...}
Launch: Watch Mrs Murray standing on the egg shells. Do you think you can walk on eggs without them{...}
Warm Up: Sit kids in a circle. Pick an item of your choice. Get kids to feel the weight{...}
Launch: Talk about hefting and how you would do this with objects in the classroom Explore: Find an item{...}
Launch: Read the Foot Book: Predict who in the grade would have the longest foot. Draw around the outside{...}
Launch: Watch: Discuss placing the item at the same point this way you can see which item is{...}
Launch: Google image search: “weird staircases” and show the screen Look at the different weird and wonderful staircases. Talk about{...}
Launch: Watch ‘Roosters off to see the world’ Use a number line to show the Roosters travels. Explore:{...}
Launch: Explore: In pairs have three shapes in a row. Hide your design from a partner. Now{...}
Launch: What shape Am I? Give the kids clues as to what shape I am: E.g. I have four{...}