Subtraction Pick It OutSubtraction Pick It Out
Have the numbers 0 to 9 in a container. (Use playing cards) As each number is randomly drawn from the{...}
Have the numbers 0 to 9 in a container. (Use playing cards) As each number is randomly drawn from the{...} Board Game found here.{...}
Climb the ladder. Roll two dice 0-9 if you get an even number you go up the ladder. If you{...}
Launch Ask a student to give you a 2-digit number, i.e., 47. Take the reverse (74) and find the positive{...}
Doubles: What the children do: In pairs, encourage the children to discuss various doubles they see in their environment. For{...}
This may be a longer lesson than most. May need one and a half sessions. The Monty Hall Problem{...}
Use the sheet attached as a guide for students. Students roll a dice to get a number and then must{...}–YQ_4CJHgDXrIdYg8UzKG0/edit?usp=sharing The above slideshow, and all the links allow students to plot graphs using Excel or Google Sheets, and{...} Attached is a link to a role a rule sheet that students get to create themselves. It is able{...} Above is a slideshow that have different number patterns within them in real life examples. For example, find a{...}