
Lego School Building

Using lego – create a school that has 48 bricks in total. What size buildings can you have? How many buildings can you have? 


Allow students to create their own school plan using lego. Tell students that they are given 48 bricks in total to create their school (1 brick = 1 small circle on a lego piece). 


Students must write down their equation of each building’s bricks. E.g. a lego piece that is 3 wide x 5 long = 15 bricks. 

Once students have used their 48 bricks, their school is complete. 


Students to write down in their maths book each building sum – for example, Building A = 5 x 3 = 15 bricks in total 

If students aren’t confident in the times table, they can count the total amount of ‘bricks’. 

(Good opportunity for them to take a picture of their final result and working out to put on seesaw)