
Measurement – Mass

We are learning to compare the mass of two objects through hefting.

Prediction Game

Have 2 sets of objects.

Show objects to kids – they write down (predict) which one they think is heavier using mini whiteboards. 

Invite someone to come up and heft to confirm the heaviest object – you can also confirm using scales. 

Introduce Mass to students: Mass is the weight of an object.

Find objects in the room and estimate which one is lighter or heavier by hefting.


Check for accuracy by using the balance scales to confirm which is lighter or heavier.

Draw your results.


Record your results in the given table on the sheet.

Enabling: Work in a small group. Discuss the items chosen using the language more, less, heavier, lighter. Work together to find results. Use the simplified table.

Extending: check the mass using informal units such as unfix cubes. Record this in this table.

Explain what hefting is and show students how to heft objects. Model with a few examples of objects. Which one is lighter or heavier? Come and test it out by hefting. Now let’s look at using balance scales.


Do 2-3 examples making sure one example has one larger object which is lighter.