
Measurement – Capacity

We are learning to understand that capacity is the total amount an object can hold.

Capacity Water Relay


Show students how to measure water using a measuring jug. Split students into 4 teams. Have a bucket at each end for each team.  Get students to measure a certain amount in their measuring jug and then empty it into a bucket for each team to start. Students use a sponge to soak the water up and walk to the end, walk back, empty the sponge into the bucket and pass it to the next person to soak up water. Continue until all the water is passed to the end.

Explain to students that capacity is the total amount that an object can hold. Show students a range of containers and ask them: which one holds more/less? How do you know? How can we test it?

Work in groups/partners and use a range of containers and fill them with either water, packing peanuts? or sand from the sand pit. Make a prediction and then investigate which container holds the most. How many cups will it take to fill the bucket? How did you work it out? Students are to explain their thinking.

Enabling: provide students with 2 containers to begin with. Which one will hold the most/least? Let’s test.

Extending: measure in milliliters and litres.