
Money amounts

I spy: Students sit in a circle. Teacher gives students clues about the shape, design, colour and other properties of Australian Currency.. 

E.g “I have the smallest value. I am silver. I have an echidna on me. I am round”.

Students put counters on the currency they think it is using their Australian Currency Board


Start to bring in the language of equivalency e.g “I am a coin equivalent to two twenty cent pieces and a 10 cent piece”.


Miss Hallowell went to The Tuck Shop and bought her favourite soy latte. She was given 5 dollars in change. She put coins in her left pocket and some in her right pocket. What are the possible combinations of coins she has in her pocket?

Draw two circles and show me as many possibilities as you can.

Enabling:  She has a gold coin in one of her pockets (use plastic coins).

Mid: She has gold and silver coins in her pockets.


Extending: What is a solution if there were only silver coins?


What is the least amount of coins possible in her pocket?

The cashier ran out of gold and 50 cent coins, what could the change look like in her pockets?

If she got $5 in change, how much could the coffee cost? What note did she pay with?

Miss Hallowell put the 5 dollar change in 3 pockets, what coins are in each pocket?