MAB- Problem Solving Task


Modelling numbers

Show base 10 place-value pieces: flats (100), longs (10) and units (1). Include blocks (1000) if students are ready for numbers up to 10 000.

Use the digital resource Hundreds, tens and units to explore models of numbers up to 1000. Discuss regrouping; for example, when the units column has 9 and another unit is added.

True or false? Each number has only one way of making it using MAB pieces. For example, to make the number 345 you always use 12 MAB pieces: 3 x 100, 4 x 10 and 5 x 1.

Look for ways to model 345 in different ways. Try to identify a pattern by recording the different models in a table.

    345         3 x 100, 4 x 10 and 5 x 1    12 MAB pieces
    345         2 x 100, 14 x 10 and 5 x 1    21 MAB pieces
    345    1 x 100, 24 x 10 and 5 x 1    30 MAB pieces
    345    34 x 10 and 5 x 1    39 MAB pieces
    345    ?    ?
    345    345 x 1    345 MAB pieces

How many ways can you make 100? How many pieces each time? What about 200? 300? 201? 210? 301? 310?