Warm Up
Give each student a set of six different blocks and ask them to discuss the following questions. Look at each block in turn. What is regular about it?
Choose any two blocks. What is the same about them? How are they different? Sort the pattern blocks into groups. What is the same about all the blocks in each group?
Give each student a card.
Students walk around the room and match the pieces to create a full page with correct information about a specific 2D shape. Some descriptions of corners and sides can be applied to multiple shapes. Discuss length, edges, corners, triangle, square, straight, same.
Students from groups of two. Each student chooses any three shape blocks to discuss. What is the same about them? How are they different?
Students each fill in a shape detective sheet focussing on corners, sides and words to describe it. Record it on the sheet provided.
ENA: give regular simple shapes to discuss in one group.
EXT: use 3D shapes