https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1c143Tq6UCj1EMAY4bKK6HMc0z42ozP3o2LnLcxErlOQ/edit#slide=id.g2ba5ba49248_0_7 Location Location Location Games!{...}
https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1c143Tq6UCj1EMAY4bKK6HMc0z42ozP3o2LnLcxErlOQ/edit#slide=id.g2ba5ba49248_0_7 Location Location Location Games!{...}
Revise yesterday’s understanding of left, right, forward and backwards. Introduce the game “Buzz – in infinity and beyond!”. Discuss that{...}
Battleships Introduce the game of Battleships. https://www.battleshiponline.org/ This is an online game that the students can play with you.{...}
Launch: Using 2D shapes make a pattern so that kids are unable to see. Now use positional language to describe{...}
Trees, Rock bridge. Run around the tree, jump over the rock and climb under the bridge. Play this as a{...}
Read ‘Have you seen my Dragon?’ Have You Seen My Dragon? – Steve Light Discuss the positional language of the{...}
Introduce the b- bot. How can we get the b bot from the start to the finishing point. Explain the{...}
Create a maze using masking tape on the floor of the classroom. What is the easiest way to get the{...}
https://www..com/watch?v= Play a game. How to get the Robot to the bowl of spaghetti. Have obstacles in the way (stinky{...}
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eVg1KTlCT4k Read Rosie’s Walk Discuss the different directional language that Rosie took. Act out the walk in the classroom{...}