The Rock PoolThe Rock Pool
Some octopuses, fish and a few mermaids are in a rock pool.Altogether there are 38 arms, 24 eyes and 8{...}
Some octopuses, fish and a few mermaids are in a rock pool.Altogether there are 38 arms, 24 eyes and 8{...}
Source – Mathspiration{...}
Roll a 10 sided die twice to generate 2 numbers. Complete the think board – Enabling: use a 6 sided{...}
Use a deck of cards – you might start with 2 of each card A -10. If playing with 20{...}
Get a student to stand at the WB facing the grade. Write a number (0-20) above thie head so they{...}
Enabling: use halves and quarter cards only Extending: Add decimal cards e.g. 0.5{...} Attached is a link to a role a rule sheet that students get to create themselves. It is able{...} Above is a slideshow that have different number patterns within them in real life examples. For example, find a{...}
Using fraction cakes, give each student one piece of the whole. Ask students to walk around the room to find{...}
Demonstrate how we can fold paper in different ways so that each piece is equal. Discuss how to write the{...}