
Fractions with Fraction Cakes

Using fraction cakes, give each student one piece of the whole. Ask students to walk around the room to find their whole.

Focus on half, quarter, eighths, thirds and fifths.


How do we know that is your partner? 


Discuss the different number of pieces in each whole. How do we record this? Revise numerator and denominator and the meaning.


Cut out the fairy bread pieces and match them together so that two halves make a whole. Cut out the remainder of the fraction pieces and put them together to make a whole. Stick these fractions in/draw them in your Maths book and write the fraction to match the picture you have made. 

*Note: You will have to make up sets of the fairy bread pieces and mix them up for students to use. You can print a couple of pages to a page to save paper. Students can work in groups. Leave out the unequal fractions.