Using different coins/ notesUsing different coins/ notes
You have $6. 40 in your pocket. What notes or coins could it be? Can you show 3 different ways{...}
You have $6. 40 in your pocket. What notes or coins could it be? Can you show 3 different ways{...}
Use the Tuckshop website: f we could order our ideal lunch – what would it look like? Choose{...}
Draw a 2D shape – can be regular or irregular. Use the connector cubes to create the shape into a{...}
Have days of the week/ months of the year X3 sets – shuffle Students play with a partner 1st student{...}
Look at the different activities. Can you organise the activities into the shortest to longest duration of time. Can you{...}
Can you show 4 different ways to make….. Enabling: start with 20 cents – count by 5’s, 10’s/ use coins{...}
Using 2D shapes follow the criteria to build a new 2D shape e.g can you use 4 squares to make{...}
Have a variety of shape names/ pictures for students to use. In pairs, take turns to choose a picture. Your{...}
Sort the 2D and 3D shapes based on the shape properties criteria. There is also a Seesaw activity called 3D{...}
Sort the 2D and 3D shapes based on the shape properties criteria. There is also a Seesaw activity called 3D{...}