Division – Amusement ParkDivision – Amusement Park
Launch: Divide and ride Watch this story if you like about an amusement park. Pause at the examples and model how{...}
Launch: Divide and ride Watch this story if you like about an amusement park. Pause at the examples and model how{...}
Warm Up: Play this symmetry sorting game. Discuss why some are symmetrical and others are not. https://www.topmarks.co.uk/symmetry/symmetry-sorting Students complete symmetry{...}
I can identify odd and even numbers I can estimate whether an answer should be odd or even Launch: Discussion on{...}
reach 100 – nrich task https://drive.google.com/file/d/1g6zKMuuBaSJBk8SofSn-2TcC4sepduHD/view?usp=sharing Enabling: only add 2 numbers going horizontal rather than the ones going vertical{...}
Launch/Hook: Go to realestae.com.au and look up some houses in Toorak or some other fancy suburb. Hen flick through to{...}
Today you are going to plan a trip to Werribee zoo. Follow the instructions to plan your day. Werribee zoo{...}
Warm up (not a whole lesson) Chairs and tables Chairs and Tables *make a chair for baby bear, then make{...}
Up and down staircase pattern. https://nrich.maths.org/2283 Rule up a table in your book to show your findings. No. of steps{...}
I have $25c in my wallet, how much could have started my day with? What are some strategies we could{...}
I have the same amount of money in each pocket. In my left pocket I have 2 coins and in{...}