Chance- Coloured SocksChance- Coloured Socks
Students discuss their understanding and solutions to the following question: When a sock is taken from a drawer as{...}
Students discuss their understanding and solutions to the following question: When a sock is taken from a drawer as{...}
Preparation** Stick a length of masking tape on each table to use as a probability line. Class Activity – Draw{...}
Different friends have arrived at the picnic. Can you show how you can share the damper between 2 people 4{...}
Create your own fractions using different shapes. Predict which shapes can cut into 4 equal parts evenly, are there any{...}
Work in groups/partners and use a range of containers and fill them with either water, packing peanuts? or sand from{...}
We are learning to understand that capacity is the total amount an object can hold. Capacity Water Relay Show{...}
We are learning to compare the mass of two objects through hefting. Prediction Game Have 2 sets of objects. Show{...}
We are comparing informal and formal units of length measurement. Ask students to build a unifix tower that is 30{...}
Warm Up – Comparing Dinosaurs Get a number of different sized dinosaurs. Place them in an order. Can the{...}