
Caps for Sale Subtraction

Watch Caps for Sale

While this is playing stop it at different points. If all the grey hats were taken by the monkeys how many would be left? How would we write this  as an equation?


What if you ended up with 12 hats how many would be taken? Get kids to turn and talk to try and work this out. Share responses.

Monkey’s are stealing hats:

The man started with 11 hats. What if when he was asleep he ended up with only 4 hats on his head. How could you solve this?


What colour hats might the monkeys have taken if they were magic and they could pick any colours? See if you can work out groups of colours.

Enabling– Work with the teacher on the floor. Start with only 8 hats. Get children to take away the hats pretending to be monkeys. How many are left. Write an equation to match.

Get one child to take some hats. Get the others to close their eyes. How many were  taken?


Extending: What if there was 25 hats how would this look?