Mazie’s Amazing Marshmellows (Lesson 2 of 2)



Demonstrate on the board what happens when we have more pieces of something than the total in regards to fractions.


Use yesterday’s task as an example: What is the fraction if somebody orders the equivalent of one whole slab, but broken up into packs of 6?

It would look like 24/6 as an Improper Fraction if we are talking about 6 packs of marshmallows. We can divide 24 nicely into 6, so it would be 4 full boxes, but what if it was boxes of 9? 

That would be 24/9 which ends up being 2 whole boxes of 9, and one more box that is 6/9 full. So that would be what we call a Mixed Number. It has a whole number of 2, and a fraction of 6/9, written as 2 6/9


Your problem today, is that we have had some corporate orders for marshmallows, and they are for certain amounts of individual pieces in specific sized boxes.


You will need to work out what the Improper Fraction and the Mixed Number representations of full boxes are used for each order:


20 pieces in boxes of three


27 pieces in boxes of four


44 pieces in boxes of six


50 pieces in boxes of nine


70 pieces in boxes of twelve


100 pieces in boxes of twenty four


Students are specifically asked what the numerator and denominator are, and what that means for each answer, when going through answers on the board.


Just use 20 pieces in each of the different box sizes. Work with the teacher if help is needed.


How many slabs need to be made for each order?

How many in total?

Could you use pieces of one slab in more than one order, and save the total amount of slabs made?