
Strike Game from

Video Instruction to play:

Learning Intention: I can use the four operations and bodmas to solve equations

Equipment: Deck of playing cards, paper and pens


  • Draw up numbers from one to ten in a ten pin bowling pyramid set up
  • Draw three random number cards from the card deck
  • Use those three numbers and any mixture of operations to strike out all numbers from 1-10.
  • Can be played in pairs or as a whole class game
  • Gets harder the further along you get

Good questions to ask while playing:  “What number are you trying to make now?  Why?’; “Explain to me how you got __?”; “Can you make __ using multiplication/subtraction etc.?” (I.e. offer suggestions when students need help but DON’T tell them how to arrive at a number.); “What would you do differently next time you played?”