
Can we fit?

Mr Jones wants  to know if all the Grade 3/4 students could line up along the hall wall so he can present awards  (100 kids)


-How could we estimate this?

-How could we check this to make sure we were accurate and could all fit?

-Discuss and brainstorm ideas.

-What might we need calculators to divide etc. 

 Take students to the hall (use the outside wall if Corey is inside). In groups let students estimate and check, can they come up with a strategy to work out if they fit? 


Take out trundle wheels, tape measures, rulers, notepads, calculators



Can they share/explain their group’s strategy of estimating that each student will need a ??? cm’s the hall is ?? metres long…


Do all students fit?

En: Use 5 Students, 10, 20 to help students visualise instead of 100

Ext: Convert measurements to mm  cm and m

 How long would the hall need to be to fit 100, 175 students along it?