
Geo Board Perimeter Task

Introduce the students to perimeter by projecting the Perimeter Poster and discussing the way we calculate the perimeter (add all sides of shape together). 

Use the examples on the poster to ask students to calculate each shape’s perimeter. Teacher to complete the first shape using their ruler and marking the lengths on board, then calculating the shapes perimeter. They will need a ruler to measure the shape and each side (don’t have to do each shape but a couple as a class to demonstrate). 

Make sure you revisit the correct ways to use a ruler e.g. starting at 0 etc. 

Discuss that we are going to make some 2D  shapes using Geoboards and work our their perimeter

With a partner make different 2D shapes on your geo board

Make some shapes on your geo board and measure their perimeter. 

Draw the shapes in your math book (USING YOUR RULER) and label the length of each side, show your working out in your book NEATLY!!!




What was easy, hard.

When might you need this skill? What job/project around home etc.?

En: Should be accessible to all students. Work with a teacher/higher peer if needed.

Ext: Convert to mm etc. explain your thinking divide multiply make i movie for class or seesaw