
Unifix/Centicube Area Task

 Introduce the students to area watching video

Discuss that we are going to make some shapes of different surface areas using centicubes (yr4) or unifix (yr3)

Discuss how we would show that it is area instead of just length we have measured using cm2 notation or for 3’s writing area = 16 unifix

With a partner make different areas with unifix or centicube blocks

Centicube/Unifix TASK

Make something that is 4cm2 (area of 4 unifix)

Make something that is 8cm2 (area of 8 unifix)

Make something that is 12cm2 (area of 12 unifix)

Make something that is 16cm2


How many different combinations can you make? Draw and write them in your books




What was easy, hard.

Where do you think in real life you may need this skill? What job etc.?

En: Should be accessible to all students. Work with teacher if needed.

Ext: Look at working out volume. Show students 1000 MAB and discuss how we could work out volume? Prompt with telling them it is 3D so needs 3 measurements… LXWXD