Dice Addition – The Missing NumberDice Addition – The Missing Number
Throw the dice what number do you think is on the bottom. Write a number sentence. Now go away{...}
Throw the dice what number do you think is on the bottom. Write a number sentence. Now go away{...}
Use the interactive weights and get the scales to balance https://nrich.maths.org/4725/note Children to complete their own number balance{...}
Use this webste – https://www.toysrus.com.au/lego.html You ave $200 dollars to spend on Lego. Write down what you will buy and{...}
Rich task hitting multiple curriculum points. To be taught over three sessions (including rubric task if desired). Differentiated tasks within{...}
Get out of my house game board with numbers from 0-10. Each pair will have 7 counters. Use a deck{...}
Launch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WT_wvvEvkw4 Add with a pirate – introduce equations Explore: Lego towers- Build blocks with two different colour- Use lego {...}
https://mathforlove.com/lesson/number-palindromes/ Palindromes are numbers that read the same forward as backward, like 10,501. When you add a number (24, say){...}
Invite 2 students to stand at the board facing the class. Write 2 numbers above their heads so they cannot{...}
Students use this number grid to find solutions to set problems. Rules Numbers must be joined (no jumping over squares){...}
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kYgdwdPgQZo How many jelly beans How many jelly beans would you eat? This could be a 2, 3, 4 {...}