
Dogs vs Cats

Watch a clip about dogs vs cats.

Do you like dogs better than cats? Yes or No

Make a line on the right for yes. Make a line on the left for no

Which line is the longest?

Have dogs and cats cut up. Pick your favourite and place it on to the graph showing a pictograph.

Pick a character from the Little Red Hen.

Create a yes/no question.

Do you like the hen?


Represent your information. This is choice.

Stop the kids how are you presenting your information?


How can we show our data so it is clear and so we can understand it.



1.Give kids a table with smiley faces and sad faces for yes and no

2. Give students a question with the kids coming up with their favourite animal

3. Give kids red and green counters to record information.



1.Students come up with their own question

2. Record it any way. 

3. Collect any materials around the room to present your information.