Fractions- ShapesFractions- Shapes
Create your own fractions using different shapes. Predict which shapes can cut into 4 equal parts evenly, are there any{...}
Create your own fractions using different shapes. Predict which shapes can cut into 4 equal parts evenly, are there any{...}
Warm up: Show picture above and discuss. LI: We are learning to represent fractions in different ways. Choose a first{...}
Design a flag task with stipulations regarding fractions, shapes and patterns. {...}
Use an octagon. Have it broken into 8 parts. Can you shade half? Can you shade quarters? How many other{...}
Create your own fractions pattern sequences and practise counting in fraction intervals. Enabling –{...}
Create your own fractions pattern sequences and practise counting in fraction intervals. Enabling –{...}
Your family has just received a box of chocolates in the mail! Your mum or dad says that you{...}
Your family has just received a box of chocolates in the mail! Your mum or dad says that you{...}
Your family has just received their online shopping order, and needs you to help put the fruit and veggies away. {...}