Estimation FrustrationEstimation Frustration
Game: Estimation Frustration Equipment: 2 dice, 1 calculator How to Win: The Winner is the first person to 40 points{...}
Game: Estimation Frustration Equipment: 2 dice, 1 calculator How to Win: The Winner is the first person to 40 points{...}
Design your own Chocolate Bar! You are an Oompa Loompa! You need to design a new chocolate bar for{...}
Number Talk: Explain to students this image is showing 3 groups of 5. Ask students: How many apples altogether? How{...}
Rich task hitting multiple curriculum points. To be taught over three sessions (including rubric task if desired). Differentiated tasks within{...}
Warm Up/Launch Slides – Drag the number to fill in the blanks Explore Make, Draw, Write Use Red and{...}
Warm Up/Launch Go outside to basketball court. -students jump two feet together and say the numbers (2,4,6,8..) then try 5s,{...}
Warm Up Draw an array outside (4 x 4) Explain that arrays must have equal numbers in rows and columns. {...}
Warm up Write the number 10 on the board Turn and talk to a partner – tell them 2 things{...}
Mc Cain Rules for chip making: 1 extra small potato = 4 french fries 1 small potato ={...}
Launch: How many people do you think will fit in this train? Where would you put your seats? How many{...}