Warm Up Counting patterns. Students practice counting by 2, 5 and 10. Try to start at different starting points to{...}
Warm Up Counting patterns. Students practice counting by 2, 5 and 10. Try to start at different starting points to{...}
Warm Up Finding a friend. Ask students to form different groups. Eg groups of 2, 4, girls/boys etc. Ask{...}
Warm Up Tell me 5 things you know about this shape. Display Launch Powerpoint 3-11 Fraction Detectives.{...}
Warm Up/Launch Slides – Drag the number to fill in the blanks Explore Make, Draw, Write Use Red and{...}
Warm Up/Launch Go outside to basketball court. -students jump two feet together and say the numbers (2,4,6,8..) then try 5s,{...}
Warm Up Draw an array outside (4 x 4) Explain that arrays must have equal numbers in rows and columns. {...}
Warm up Write the number 10 on the board Turn and talk to a partner – tell them 2 things{...} The Counting by 5s song Ask a yes/no question for your grade to answer. eg Do{...} Get the children up on their feet. You are all going to march together. Swing your arms, and encourage{...}
Cut up names and numerals for the students to match. Have the students in a circle. Ask one student to{...}