Place ValuePlace Value
Rubbish has appeared in your classroom. How can we count how much we have? In each section of the room{...}
Rubbish has appeared in your classroom. How can we count how much we have? In each section of the room{...}
What is the best way to count the poppet? Record how many you have and prove it in as many{...}
The players take turns to turn over two playing cards. When the two numbers are added, if they make less{...} What is our favourite ice cream? $1 $3 $5 Have coins in the middle how would you pay{...}
Introduce the $5 note- Put it up on the board what is this? Turn and talk. What did you{...}
Place on the board two collections of coins each having $1 in it. You may have to blue tack these{...} What do we know about coins? Turn and talk Make a list of vocab on the board.{...}
Teddy Bear’s Picnic Challenge I have a combination of teddy bears that have two legs and fluffy dogs that have{...}
Perhaps have a bowl and this is a bath. How can we fill it. Put two different items in the{...}
What are the different combinations that you can make with two dice. Think about how you could record your information{...}