Collection Subitising
Children choose a collection of objects which they would like to count (provide a range of collections in boxes or jars such as beads, pegs, teddy bears etc).
Children decide together how they will count their collection and may choose resources to help them (such as pots or trays to count into or to group objects for counting). The children count their collection and then record their count, by drawing or mathematical mark making (using numerals alongside these if they wish).
Now place your objects on a tray. How many have you got on both sides. How many different ways can you change it so that the number changes?
Record the numbers.
In the following lesson – this will be the opposite of above.
Roll two/three dice. Collect that many counters as you go
How many counters do you get with 2 rolls?
Now record your result.
This might be in the form of a number, dots, the kids can represent their number however they like.