Finger SubitisingFinger Subitising
Hold up fingers quickly. How many did you see? Now place this into a tens frame. Could you record it{...}
Hold up fingers quickly. How many did you see? Now place this into a tens frame. Could you record it{...}
Using a subitising video or slideshow, stop and ask what number can you see? How do you know? Can you{...}
How many do you see? Turn and talk? What strategies did you use? Did you group the balloons? Show{...}
Look at floor tens frame. Place dots on the tens frame. How many more to make ten? How do you{...}
Explore dominos. Have the children put the dominoes in an order. Place a half a domino on the board.{...}
Give kids counters in a circle. Say a number, kids make that number. How many different ways did we find?{...}
Show kids subitising cards. How many do I have? What did you see? Draw 6 ants with chalk or{...}
Demonstrate how to count the number of letters in a person’s name. Have the children work out how many{...}
Roll a dice. Now make this number on the big floor mat tens frames. Close your eyes- I will{...}
Children choose a collection of objects which they would like to count (provide a range of collections in boxes or{...}