Weather Man Place ValueWeather Man Place Value
Launch: Introduce an Abacus in the classroom show how to represent numbers in the teens on the abacus {...}
Launch: Introduce an Abacus in the classroom show how to represent numbers in the teens on the abacus {...} Match the butterflies to the petals. Understanding two butterflies go to one petal. What flower does not have any{...}
Read ten is a crab. Focus on just up to ten and how the numbers are made up e.g.{...}
Make a number. Use two different coloured deck of cards. Just use 0-9. Hand out equal amounts out. Students roam{...}
Launch: Two hoops- which group is bigger How did you work it out. Now place groups of two hoops around{...}
Launch: In a circle have a collection of counters ( two colours only) Turn and talk what colour has more?{...}
Launch: Have a picture of James and Emily’s dinner. Who has more? How do you know? Explore: Going to a{...}
Do the following as A4 posters divided into 6 sections: Students use their 6 digit birthday date to: -Show original{...}
Use this powerpoint and recording sheet to assess students’ number knowledge and skills at the start of Term 1. This{...}
Launch: Subitising Talk about how you know. What is the combination? Explore: Cooking time- {...}